Press these points and you’ll alleviate back pain: Here’s how to ease the troubles.

Fortunately, traditional medicine, including the ancient Chinese method of acupuncture, can help precisely with these chronic problems.

When it comes to back pain, joint aches, and knots, we are showing you some points, massaging which can alleviate your troubles, while regular stimulation may even completely eliminate the pain causes.



The first point is GB 29 and is located at the junction of the buttock and the thigh bone. By stimulating it, you will eliminate pains in the hips and generally in the joints, according to Telegrafi.

In combination with points GB 30, which are located slightly below and forward towards the thighs, in the lower part of the buttock, you will eliminate the pains in the lower back, joints, hips, and shoulders.

Point B 54, which is located behind the knees, also helps to alleviate hip pains and lower back pain, but also affects muscle relief.


Stimulate these three points regularly and you will surely eliminate back and joint pains.

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