Father Performs Life-Saving Transplant on His Daughter to Rescue Her.

Due to a rare condition known as polycystic kidney disease (PKD), Karen Rhodes and Paul Rybkin’s son had only 36 hours to live. Cysts that develop in the kidneys due to this condition can lead to renal failure. In 2013, when the couple became parents again, their joy was overshadowed as Maddy, their daughter, was born with the same illness as her brother.

Determined to ensure a long and happy life for their daughter, Maddy’s parents refused to accept that this illness could claim their second child. After two years of struggle, Maddy’s father succeeded in giving her a chance at life.

During the first year and a half of her life, Maddy was surrounded by doctors, requiring oxygen treatments and breathing tubes. Her stomach was always enlarged due to the illness, leaving her tired and vomiting frequently. Concerns arose that Maddy wouldn’t survive without a kidney donor.

Fortunately, the family received news that Maddy’s father would be a suitable donor. Both Paul and Maddy underwent surgery successfully, saving Maddy’s life.

Now, Maddy is described as a lively and enthusiastic 2-year-old, enjoying a normal, albeit slightly rounder, stomach. Paul, though thrilled to have saved his second child, sees his actions as what any responsible parent would do in a similar circumstance.

“I am overjoyed that our child is now healthy and content with life. We experienced a lot of emotions and difficult things, but we managed to get through them. Any father would have made the same decision as me if doing so would have allowed him to save his child,” Paul reportedly told The Mirror.

As Maddy plays with her friends, her parents eagerly anticipate her development into a typical adult. Despite doctors predicting another kidney transplant in 25 years, Maddy’s parents savor the moment, hopeful for her continued happiness and overcoming any future challenges.

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