Dad elated by the response to the 3 photos he shared on social media.

The captivating allure of these images transcends the limitations of mere words. The invention of the camera, allowing us to capture and immortalize significant moments like births, graduations, weddings, and anniversaries, remains a timeless treasure.

Take the case of Ciarán Shannon, a Northern Irish parent based in Belfast. Eager to showcase his pride in his daughter, Niamh, he ventured onto Twitter, sharing three snapshots capturing various milestones in her academic journey.

In each image, Ciarán and Niamh stand before their home, hands entwined. The first depicts Niamh embarking on her journey to St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School in September 1999. The second, taken in May 2013, marks her final day of high school. The third, from the summer of 2018, immortalizes her university graduation.

Entering the popular trend of “How it Started” and “How’s it going?” was a spontaneous decision.

What unfolded next completely took him by surprise. Initially intending to express his joy in his daughter, he had no inkling that the social media post would garner such widespread popularity.

He remarked that he had merely observed the growing numbers, expressing his astonishment at the overwhelmingly positive response his photos received.

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