An oldman was lying is his bed dying when he smelled his favorite cookie

An old man is laying in bed…See the continuation in the first comment 👇👇 I laugh so hard 😂😂
An oldman was lying is his bed dying when he smelled his favorite cookies. He rolled out of bed and crawled into the kitchen. He picked up a cookie with all of his strength but….
His wife smacked his hand with the spatula and said, “what are you doin? Those are for the funeral…”

An oldman was lying is his bed dying when he smelled his favorite cookies. He rolled out of bed and crawled into the kitchen. He picked up a cookie with all of his strength but….
His wife smacked his hand with the spatula and said, “what are you doin? Those are for the funeral…”

An oldman was lying is his bed dying when he smelled his favorite cookies. He rolled out of bed and crawled into the kitchen. He picked up a cookie with all of his strength but….
His wife smacked his hand with the spatula and said, “what are you doin? Those are for the funeral…”

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