35 Strange Finds Made in Unexpected Places

Unusual discoveries have happened to everyone of us at some point. Maybe as you were clearing out your basement, you found a secret family relic or a $20 note you forgot in an unused coat pocket. Similar to those individual discoveries, every discovery on our list—which ranged from the strange to the really valuable—was pleasantly surprise.

Here are a few odd findings that could astound you:

These peculiar findings might make very interesting documentaries and motion pictures on Netflix. Some came about as a result of pure luck, while others were the product of persistent work and steadfast will. The purpose of this compilation is to pique your interest and motivate you to exercise caution. Who knows? Perhaps it will motivate you to create your own amazing discovery.

Ancient Terracotta Warriors Found in a Pit Adjacent to a Hidden Tomb

Place: Shaanxi, China’s Xi’an Year Found in: 1974

When digging a well in Xi’an in 1974, Chinese laborers made the astoundingly strange discovery of thousands of finely detailed combat-ready terracotta clay figurines. Replicating the troops of the emperor, the Terracotta Army is a group of 8,000 soldiers that make up this UNESCO World Heritage Site. These incredibly sculpted statues, of which only 2,000 have been found thus far, were meant to accompany Qin Shi Huang, the first Chinese emperor, on his ascension to the afterlife in 210 B.C.

Swedish Researchers Share Results of “Alien” Deep-Sea Research

Where: Baltic Sea; Discovered in 2015

A strange discovery in the Baltic Sea’s depths resulted from Swedish scientists’ deep-sea extraterrestrial search. A “natural geological formation,” according to the Ocean Explorer crew, despite some people thinking it was a spaceship. This aquatic oddity sparked discussions about its origin and function and sparked conspiracy theories regarding aliens.

WWII Plane Found in the Jungle with Coffee Thermoses Preserved

Place: Rabaul, Papua New Guinea, New Britain
1972 was the year of discovery.

In the jungles of Papua New Guinea in 1942, the World War II Boeing B-17E aircraft known as the “Swamp Ghost” met its demise. When the plane was found undisturbed in 1972, the kunai grass and mud had somehow kept it intact. The cockpit was even found to have coffee thermoses inside. The estimated worth of this unique, well-preserved WWII find is around $9 million.

Priceless Discovery from a 2000-year-old Shipwreck: The Antikythera Mechanism

Place: Rabaul, Papua New Guinea, New Britain
1972 was the year of discovery.

In the jungles of Papua New Guinea in 1942, the World War II Boeing B-17E aircraft known as the “Swamp Ghost” met its demise. When the plane was found undisturbed in 1972, the kunai grass and mud had somehow kept it intact. The cockpit was even found to have coffee thermoses inside. The estimated worth of this unique, well-preserved WWII find is around $9 million.

Priceless Discovery from a 2000-year-old Shipwreck: The Antikythera Mechanism

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