The reason the infant never left the womb eluded the physicians!

The instincts of a mother are always right. At least such was the case for Melbourne, Australia resident Lilly Munro, who, despite being in her 24th week of pregnancy, couldn’t shake the sensation that something was wrong with her unborn son, Lennox.

She and her fiance, Brodie Moles, went over to the hospital. Not long after they entered through the doors, she learned that something was seriously wrong. They needed to move swiftly.

After fearing something was amiss with her pregnancy, doctors informed Lilly Munro and her fiancé Brodie Moles that their baby child, Lennox, had a heart condition and that they needed to induce birth immediately.

She was just 24 weeks pregnant, thus their son’s chances of survival were about 50/50. He weighed only a little over 1.8 pounds!

To increase his chances of life, Baby Lennox’s therapy required that he be placed in a plastic bag. It would prevent a dangerously low drop in body temperature.

The new parents found it distressing to see how finally he was connected to tubes and hoses.

Lennox had to spend a total of 111 days in the hospital!

When Lilly had to quit her job to stay at the hospital with Lennox, Brodie took up duties at home, including helping Lilly take care of her other three kids. In the end, it was all worthwhile. Both parents cherished every second they had with their newborn son.

Thanks to the many wonderful doctors and nurses who went “above and beyond,” as Lilly described it, Lennox was allowed to go home.

He is doing well and has gained roughly nine pounds. The whole family is ecstatic!

Lilly, Brodie, and their “miracle baby,” Lennox, had to be experiencing a lot at this time. Despite this, it’s incredible how far he’s come since being born prematurely.

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