My Brother Proposed at My Wedding during My Bride’s Father-Daughter Dance – We Took Revenge

It’s supposed to be the happiest day of my life — my wedding day. But my brother decided to steal the spotlight.As my bride and her father shared a dance, my brother seized the opportunity to propose to his girlfriend. But don’t worry, we didn’t let him get away with it. My wife and I cooked up a plan for revenge that had him seeing stars.Alright, folks, buckle up because I’ve got quite the family drama to share with you. It’s a tale of love, betrayal, and revenge, and it all starts with yours truly,

Alex. You see, I’m 35 and the eldest of three siblings, with a younger brother named Jeff, 29, and a sister named Anna, 32. Jeff’s had a bit of a rough start in life — he was born with complications and had to spend a month in the intensive care unit. As you can imagine, my parents doted on him, showering him with love and attention, even if it meant neglecting Anna and me. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love my brother, but sometimes it feels like I’m living in his shadow. He always steals the spotlight at family gatherings, making everything about him. And let me tell you, it’s caused quite a strain on our relationship with him and our parents. But wait, it gets even juicier. Jeff fell in love with Emma, 24, and they started dating. During Anna’s baby shower,

you won’t believe what Emma did. She announced her own pregnancy. Can you believe the nerve? And let me tell you, tensions were already running high between us siblings and Jeff, so this news didn’t exactly help things. Now, fast forward to my own wedding day. I’m tying the knot with my lovely wife, Lily, 30. When I first proposed to her, I wanted a simple elopement. But Lily, bless her heart, insisted on having her family there. So, out of obligation, I invited my own family, including Jeff. And let me tell you, I almost regretted that decision. During the preparations for the wedding, my best man James catches Jeff with a sneaky receipt from a jewelry store poking out of his pocket. Of course, James being the good friend he is, confronts Jeff about it, and, well, let’s just say things escalated pretty quickly. “Hey, what’s that in your pocket, Jeff?” James asked, his eyes narrowing as he glanced at the receipt. Jeff’s face went pale, and he quickly tried to stuff the receipt back into his pocket. “Oh, it’s nothing, just some… um… spare change.” James wasn’t buying it. “Come on, Jeff, I saw what it was. You were going to propose, weren’t you?” Jeff’s shoulders slumped, and he let out a sigh. “Yeah, I was. I wanted it to be special for Emma.” I felt a mix of frustration and disappointment. “Look, Jeff, I can’t have you doing this at my wedding. I’m sorry, but I have to ask you to step down as my groomsman.” Jeff’s eyes welled up with tears. “But Alex, I love Emma. I wanted to make it special for her.” I shook my head. “I get that, Jeff. But this isn’t the right time or place. Please understand.” Later that night, I found my parents and Jeff in a heated argument. “Alex, Jeff never admitted to planning a proposal. You’re being unfair,” my mom insisted. “Dad, you know Jeff’s history. He always finds a way to make it about him,” I argued back. My dad sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Look, Alex, let’s just get through the wedding without any more drama, okay?” but I wasn’t about to let him off the hook that easily. Lo and behold, the big day arrives, and wouldn’t you know it, Jeff waltzes over to Emma during Lily’s father-daughter dance and pops the question in front of everyone. Can you say drama with a capital D? At this point, we were furious, and Lily was almost in tears. After the dance, she met me, but I could read mischief in her eyes. “Why are you smirking?! Our beautiful moment is ruined, you think it’s funny?” I asked her. Needless to say, the night after the wedding, Lily’s fuming, and she’s got revenge on her mind. So, she hatches a plan with Anna and me to give Jeff a taste of his own medicine. And boy, oh boy, do we deliver. A few months passed, and Jeff and Emma’s wedding was fast approaching. They were busy with all the preparations, from choosing the venue to picking the perfect cake. And, of course, Anna, Lily, and I were there to help every step of the way. When Jeff’s wedding day finally rolls around, we’ve got everything set up, from the venue to the food to the invitations. But here’s the kicker: we fake the invitations, so nobody shows up except for Jeff and his bride. Talk about a plot twist, am I right? “He ruined our special day, Alex. We can’t let him get away with it,” she said, her eyes flashing with determination. I nodded in agreement. “You’re right, Lily. He needs to learn that actions have consequences.” So, we hatched a plan — a plan for revenge. We would fake the invitations, tricking Jeff into thinking that everyone was coming to the wedding. And then, on the day of the ceremony, we wouldn’t show up. Me: “Alright, Lily, we need to make sure everything goes smoothly today.” Lily: “Agreed. We’ve put so much effort into this, we can’t let Jeff ruin it again.” Me: “Absolutely. I can’t believe he had the nerve to pull that stunt at our wedding.” Lily: “I know, it was completely out of line. But hey, today’s our chance to give him a taste of his own medicine.” Me: “Exactly. Alright, let’s get this show on the road. Anna, you ready?” Anna: “Ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s make sure this plan goes off without a hitch.” Lily: “Alright, let’s do this.” [Later at the venue] Me: “Everything’s set up perfectly. Jeff and Emma won’t suspect a thing.” Lily: “I hope not. This revenge plan has to be executed flawlessly.” A little bit of revenge can go a long way. Anna: “I can’t wait to see the look on Jeff’s face when he realizes what’s happening.” The morning of the wedding arrived, and Jeff and Emma were all dressed up and ready to tie the knot. They waited at the venue, excited to see all their friends and family. But as the hours ticked by, it became clear that something was wrong. Jeff: “Where is everyone? Something doesn’t seem right.” Emma: “I don’t know, Jeff. Maybe they’re just running late.” But deep down, Jeff knew something was off. And then, the delivery arrived — a small wedding cake for two and a postcard. Jeff: “What’s this?” Emma: “It’s a cake… for us.” There was a simple message on the postcard. It read: “You took our special events, now we decided to take yours!” Jeff’s face turned red with anger as he read the postcard. “What is this supposed to mean? What’s going on?” And that’s when it hit him — our revenge has been served! Lily, Anna, and I had orchestrated the whole thing, leaving Jeff and Emma alone on what was supposed to be their special day. Lily: “I can’t believe we pulled it off.” Jeff: “I can’t believe you all did this to me. I thought we were family.” Me: “Jeff, you hijacked my wedding day. You had this coming.” Emma: “Jeff, they’re right. You can’t just ruin people’s special moments and expect no consequences.” Jeff was furious, of course. He wanted to cut us off, to never speak to us again. But deep down, he knew he had it coming. Jeff admitted his mistake, and slowly but surely, we all began to mend our broken relationships. Jeff: “I guess I got what I deserved. I’m sorry, everyone.” Me: “Apology accepted, Jeff. Let’s put this behind us and move forward.” Emma: “Agreed. Let’s focus on our marriage and leave the drama behind.” [We all hug it out, ready to start anew.] And as for Jeff and Emma? Well, they eventually had their wedding, albeit a much smaller and humbler affair. But sometimes, it’s the little things that matter most — like learning to appreciate what you have and not taking it for granted. And that, my friends, is the wild ride that is my family’s drama. We learned a valuable lesson — that love, forgiveness, and a little bit of revenge can go a long way in bringing a family back together. Just as Alex shared his story, others have also shared their revenge stories online. Revenge comes in many forms, and these stories prove that sometimes, the sweetest revenge is the most unexpected. In one story, a pizza delivery worker gets back at rude customers by demanding exact change. When they finally get the money to give him, he dramatically tosses the penny into the street. He knew they saw him do it, and he felt great. Another netizen showcased a homeowner’s ingenious retaliation against a neighbor who continuously destroyed their Halloween decorations. The owner of the house had a clever idea. They got a huge pumpkin and filled it with concrete. This made the pumpkin unbreakable. When the driver tried to drive into the pumpkin, the car broke. The best part? The owner got the car towed away, leaving the driver carless. One woman’s revenge involved her brother. Once, when she and her brother were in high school, he made her mad. So, she wanted to get back at him. She took out the batteries from the TV remote, unplugged the TV, and wrote “broken” on it. Her brother didn’t notice what she did for days. Many people on the internet thought it was funny and felt bad for her brother for not realizing it sooner. In another revenge story, a coworker kept putting ketchup-soaked trash in another person’s desk bin. Even after being asked to stop, the coworker didn’t listen. So, the annoyed person decided to take revenge. They told the coworker they couldn’t use their own bin because they hated the smell of old ketchup. Then, they started hiding the ketchup containers in the back of the coworker’s desk drawer. The coworker didn’t notice even when there were six containers hidden there. A person shared a story concerning their messy roommate who left belongings all over the bathroom. One day, the person found money on a pile of items and put it in the roommate’s drawer. The roommate looked for the money while cleaning up the bathroom. The person decided not to say anything until the roommate had cleaned the area. Feeling it was wrong to reveal where the money was, the person put it in the roommate’s hamper. When the roommate found it, she was happy, and the bathroom stayed cleaner afterward. A woman’s revenge story involved her brother and his messy girlfriend who once stayed with her. Her brother’s girlfriend left behind many belongings. Later, the girlfriend cheated on her brother and kicked him out, demanding her items back. In solidarity with her brother, the woman mailed back the belongings, but with some changes. She wrote an apology letter on a piece of paper resting on the ex-girlfriend’s clothing and left personal care items open, ruining the clothes. When the ex-girlfriend received the package with ruined clothing and items, she never contacted the woman’s brother again.

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