This 80-year-old man brings breakfast to his wife in her nursing home every day – your heart will melt when you find out why


We all want to grow old with the person we love, but this can become a little difficult for those suffering with age-related illnesses – more so if your loved one is slowly losing their memory.


But spending your life with someone is all about loving them through thick and thin, and through sickness and health. It’s a lifelong commitment.

In the lonely, quiet corridors of a small nursing home, this 80-year-old man is honoring the commitment he made to his wife when they wed many decades ago.

Like clockwork every morning he arrives, clutching a tray of breakfast. His routine is simple yet it has so much meaning – delivering a warm meal to his wife. It’s a daily act of love that has captured the attention and admiration of staff and fellow residents alike.

When asked why his wife resides in the nursing home, he softly replied: “She has Alzheimer’s disease.” The progressive condition had stolen away her memory and recognition of him, but it hadn’t stolen his love for her.

The natural curiosity of those around him prompted the question: “Would your wife be worried if one day you didn’t come to bring her breakfast?”

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