Mysterious Acoustic Anomalies

Sound is a huge part of life, and the world is full of acoustic oddities just waiting to be discovered. From unique forest resonance to baffling sound spots that defy the laws of acoustics, check out the following audio anomalies from around the world!

Suppose you stroll through the beautiful Alameda Park in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. In that case, you’ll be treated to some spectacular views—idyllic gardens, stunning tiered steps, and impressive historical statues. You’ll also come across something that isn’t so spectacular at first glance—an innocent-looking stone bench.But this humble bench is a banco acústico—meaning acoustic bench. Known as the Bench of Whispers, the semicircle shape and physical position mean it has a unique auditorial characteristic.If you take a seat at one end of the bench, put your head against the back of it, and even just whisper, the sound of your voice will travel to the other end of the bench. Not only that, but your voice will be heard as loud or maybe louder than originally spoken.The bench was built in the park in 1916, and the unique acoustic properties were quickly discovered by courting couples. The bench became a popular spot for romantic rendezvous during the Francoist dictatorship, where young unmarried couples were banned from touching or even speaking to each other in public.
It’s not known whether anyone sitting in the center of the bench can hear the secrets and whispers being spoken. If they can, let’s hope they can keep a secret!But if you can’t make it to Spain, you can find similar benches in other places, including New York’s Central Park.[1]

In downtown Tulsa, there’s a small concrete circle that sits in the center of a larger brick circle known as the “Center of the Universe.” It has a rather unassuming appearance, but it’s a fairly unknown and acoustic phenomenon.Stand in the center of the circle, make a noise, and the sound of your voice will echo back at you even louder—like a private echo chamber. Legend has it that something as loud as a foghorn could sound in the middle of the circle, and those standing outside it wouldn’t hear anything.Although this is probably an exaggerated tale, the sound of the person’s voice in the middle of the circle does sound distorted to those on the outside. It’s a bizarre and fascinating effect that is thought to result from the sound bouncing off a nearby planter. But, although this acoustic oddity has been studied by many people, the definite cause of it remains a mystery.[2]

Just like the “Center of the Universe,” a stone circle behind the Lake George visitor center in New York is the site of a sound anomaly that defies the laws of acoustics. In the middle of the circle, two metal rails cross over each other, forming an X shape that marks the “mystery spot.”It’s here that you can witness a mysterious natural phenomenon. If you stand directly on the X and face the lake, anything you shout will echo back to you as if it’s come from another dimension. But there’s a catch—only you will hear it and only on that exact spot, so you may get a few surprised looks from outsiders unaware of this acoustic phenomenon!Many theories have come up about how this acoustical wonder happens. Some say that sounds rebound off the semicircle stone wall, whereas others say it’s to do with the position of the mountains and the lake.Probably the most interesting explanation is a local legend from Native American culture. It’s said that long ago, an ancient god appeared at the mystery spot where his wisdom echoed around the lake. Whatever causes this natural phenomenon, the Lake George mystery spot is a well-kept secret hidden in plain sight![3]

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